This self portrait was my final project to my sculpture course in college. It is the represent me in a very basic form with the cat head representing the animal I really want as a pet. There is a representation of a baby that I am holding because my brother just had a baby and it makes me think about how hard it can potentially be for me to have a child. The whole piece is white because it represents the blank slate that is my life that I’m continuing to keep in control and build upon.
Mass Production
Think Like Your Dick
Tape Woman
Like Father like Son
Knight in Shinning Armor
Masked Men
Tape Man
Size: 5ʼ8”, full size person
The head is a two sided head. The front is a pig and the back is a wolf. The two heads are made from a mold that I then pored expandable foam into as the finished product. I then gessoed, glued together and then spray painted the heads.The head rests on a body made of tape, plastic wrap, and installation foam. There is a metal rod and wooden base to provide support, and to make is a self standing piece. This piece is apart of my concentration that is centralized around the idea of what makes a beautiful man.