Various paintings
Multimedia Artist
Various paintings
Various prints
My partner is a musician and I get to design his album artwork.
Encaustic is the process of painting with Wax. Pigmented wax is melted on a hot plate and then applied to various surfaces. Below includes my beginning exploration into this process.
For my final project in experiencing the natural world I created a decaying cow on rusted paper cloth. The cow itself is painted with acrylics and ink on cloth which is then attached to rusted, burned paper towels, held together with tape. I then mounted this piece on to a barn door for its completeness.
This self portrait was my final project to my sculpture course in college. It is the represent me in a very basic form with the cat head representing the animal I really want as a pet. There is a representation of a baby that I am holding because my brother just had a baby and it makes me think about how hard it can potentially be for me to have a child. The whole piece is white because it represents the blank slate that is my life that I’m continuing to keep in control and build upon.